Thursday, 14 January 2010

The Horror Of Haiti

Anyone who has seen news footage of the earthquake in Haiti surely cannot fail to be moved by the plight and suffering of these poorest of people. Their lives were bad enough before this disaster.

Without wishing to sound like someone intent on shoving the notion of charity down folk's throats, I include here a link to The Red Cross Haiti Appeal and a humble request that people might consider donating something. Please, please, help these people. Imagine what it must be like to find you and your loved ones in such a situation. Thank you.


If it helps encourage a donation (and I certainly hope it doesn't hinder ;-) and again without wishing to sound arrogant, I will gladly mail a free pdf copy of 'The Jitters Omnibus' or whatever you prefer, to anyone who writes me in exchange for a small donation to the appeal.

email me at:

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