Sunday, 10 September 2017

Claiming Credit - A New Short Story

Main Cast

Ruben Jackson.
Age: 38
Height and build: trim and toned 6’1”
Eyes: turquoise blue
Hair: soft grey, wavy. Started going grey when he was 25, didn’t let it bother him.
Facial Hair: close trimmed beard, also grey.

Mitchell Bowen.
Age: 23
Height and build: average 5’8”
Eyes: green
Hair: dark brown shaggy crop
Facial hair: none, clean-shaven

Relationship Status: couple
Relationship Type: Top/brat, domestic discipline

Mitch craves approval. He wants to be in control of everything all the time, but isn’t really equipped to be so. He tends to act on impulse and subsequently makes poor choices which then spiral way out of control.

Ruben is calm, self-assured and thoughtful. He wants Mitch to learn how to control his impulses.

In Claiming Credit, trouble arises when Mitch drags his feet over completion of a project for work. It’s up to Ruben to find out why.

If stories featuring M/M power exchange and discipline practices offend you, then please go no further as the following story is unlikely to be to your taste.


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