Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Bye Bye Fabian Black

In case anyone remotely gives a damn, my website : is set to, or already has gone offline.

I was relying on royalties from Q4 of my All Romance Ebooks sales to pay my site fees and domain fees for another year. However, Lori James, the CEO of ARe decided she deserved my money more than I did when she did a runner with everyone’s royalty payments in order to (allegedly) fund her luxury homes and rich lifestyle. One can only hope the despicable, thieving cow develops dry rot and woodworm, and in her houses too. So, to continue, in these hard times I had to make a choice as to whether I could afford to keep paying site and domain fees. I can't at this moment in time, it's an unacceptable luxury, so its bye-bye

I'm not sure how it fully works when you stop paying, but you might be able to still access my site at a sub domain:

I'm not sure how much of it Yola will delete. The info they gave was unclear. Time will tell.

It's been fun, and hopefully I'll still write and publish stuff at retail hosting venues such as Amazon and Smashwords (fingers crossed they don't double cross their author partners like dear old Lori and so many others have.) I’ll update with any relevant news here on blogger as and when. 

UPDATE 05/05/17

My website can be accessed at subdomain:

It seems it remains much the same for readers at this moment in time, but means I have a limited amount of file space to use in comparison to before and of course I've lost the 'prestige' of having my own domain. Also if any problems arise then I can basically fuck off as Yola won't help now I'm not paying them. Oh well. Never mind. On another subject, I am still in processs of writing Hope House as a complete entity rather than a serial, for reasons I stated in another post.

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